5 Ways you can become an early riser

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Okay, so you’re not a morning person. We get it. Your alarm goes off and all you want to do is press the snooze button, pull the covers over your head and go right back to sleep.

But once you are up, mornings are actually the most epic part of the day! Think how smug you will feel when you’ve smashed your workout before the sun is even up!

Here are our secrets to waking up early and showing 6am who’s boss!

1.     Lay out your clothes

This is an absolute game changer. Laying your clothes out on the floor the night before takes the thinking out of an early morning start. All you literally have to do is roll out of bed and put them on. Simple. And it saves the embarrassment of rocking up with fashion regret!

2.     Set a bedtime

Night owls, you are not going to like this; but an early night will make a massive difference to how you wake up in the morning. By trying to have a minimum 7-7.5 hours sleep per night – it sets you up for an epic productive day. Setting a good routine will help you feel refreshed and bounce out of bed in the morning!

3.     Avoid coffee and alcohol the night before

To wake up refreshed, you will want to avoid any caffeine, alcohol and sugar close to bedtime. These are stimulants and make you have a restless sleep. Instead, try a herbal tea before hitting the sack. Of course having a glass of wine here and there isn’t going to hurt anyone, just keep it in moderation.

4.     Book in a workout with your friend

Lock in that next sweat date with a friend! Not only will you have heaps of fun, it will give you reason to get there in the morning! By having someone keep you accountable you will have way more chance of showing up, I mean, would you really want to let your bestie down!

5.     Read your goals before going to sleep

Jump in to bed, grab that goals book and have a quick read over before you go to sleep. This will keep you focused. When you hear that alarm go off first thing in the morning you will bounce out of bed knowing that getting up will get you one step closer to achieving those epic goals!



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